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Truck Loading
There are two major variables to truck loading, open and enclosed. The choice between the two is determined by what product you’re loading and what type of truck. For example loading a tanker truck with cement varies from loading aggregates into a gravel train truck. The enclosed tanker already has a contained area and it’s a matter of removing air inside the tanker that is displaced by the product being loaded. With an open style truck the Loading Spout must create its own containment. This is done by using a barrier skirt at the discharge of the Loading Spout. You must still remove the displaced air but the discharge skirt is a much smaller area than the inside of a tanker.
Providing a loading system to meet your needs encompasses moving product from your storage area (silo, dome, flat bottom storage) to the truck. A series of flow aids for your storage can be provided by GBM with our Fluidized Bin bottom or Fluidized Air Pads. The next critical component is the control valves. Whether it is maintenance, complete on/off, or portioning flow control we offer the complete line. Should you need to divert flow we also offer diverters and triverters. Actual conveying of material can be done with Air gravity conveyors (airslide) for powders or drag, screw or belt conveyors for other materials. GBM manufactures the Air Gravity conveyors but for other choices we have close partnerships with manufactures in the industry. Loading systems require dust control. Achieved by In-line collectors (CFM – compact filter modules) or bag house style collectors. Both offered and produced by GBM.
Loading Spout Positioners provide flexibility and efficiency to your load out system. The Positioner moves the Loading Spout into the operators’ desired location. This works well to improve the speed of the operation by eliminating the need to re-spot the truck under the spout. The final component is the Loading Spout. This component bridges the distance between the conveyor discharge and the vehicle being loaded. The Loading Spout is where GBM expertise really shines. Each terminal is unique in its layout, functionality, and product being loaded. Low height, multiple sizes of vehicles, and hatch location of vehicles require a supplier that understands what it takes to meet you goals.
Individual Machines and Complete Systems
We offer solutions for all kinds of goods, whether loose or packaged, for various modes of transportation including trucks, trains as well as ships and boats.
Truck Loader
The processes of loading trucks and railway wagons are similar: they are often filled with materials from bunkers or silos. While bunkers of various sizes are used to store bulk materials only for a short time, large silos serve to store these materials over longer periods.
Railway Loader
Besides transport using goods vehicles, rail is another major factor to consider when transporting bulk goods by land. We offer a range of solutions with telescoping loading systems to load rail wagons.
Bulk containerized
With the economical solution, bulk material transported by containers is an innovation handling method, just with the turnover device to handle the containers for loading/unloading, it much lower the cost of tranport, as well use the containers mostly.
Bag Loading machine
Using unique advanced technologies, the GBM Series automated bagging machines are designed to quickly fill pre-made open-mouth bags with 25 to 100 kg of any type of free-flowing or powdery products. They can handle bulk products like animal feed, sugar, rice, starch, fertilizers, seeds, and plastic pellets.
Bulk transporter vehicles can be loaded quickly and free of dust with the GBM bulk loading head. It is designed according to the double-wall system, i.e. the material inlet and the dedusting unit are separated from each other.
Bulk Loading Heads
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