GBM BULK ENGINEERING, as part of the GBM Group China, is a globally active company headquartered in Shanghai with a long history as a manufacturer of bulk material handling equipment dating back to the 20th century.
As one of the leading suppliers, GBM Bulk Engineering offers machines along the complete transport chain for bulk materials. From ship loading& unloading, conveying, storage to scattered loading process of various raw materials, GBM Bulk Engineering offers efficient solutions for different industries. GBM combines many years of know-how in series and individual production and offers high-quality engineering as well as extensive service.
As the Turn-key projects supplier, GBM is professional on port planning and construction, bulk material transit center designing and construction.
„We are looking for the long-term success and not for the short-term profit.“
- Mr. Fang Junping
the President GBM
- Integrity and Ethics
We apply the highest ethical standards towards our customers, business partners, employees, and the community. We value different cultures in our global group as a learning experience and try to build a working environment where everybody respects one’s uniqueness.
- Customer Focus
We show the level of responsiveness, sense of urgency, and commitment our customers require and need. We won’t make promises that we can’t keep and will always deliver on the promises that we make.
- Quality and Innovation
Quality Leadership drives our pursuit of excellence in our work, business processes, products, services, and in the quality of customer outcomes. Innovation defines our future and is the basis of cost-advantaged technology leadership that creates superior value for our stakeholders.
- Teamwork
We respect our employees’ ideas and beliefs and encourage them to take pride and ownership in their actions. We create a winning environment that challenges our employees and helps them grow professionally as well as personally.
- Sustainability
We commit to the idea of sustainability in the sense of balance between ecology, economy and social responsibility. We exceed the “Total Cost of Ownership” (TCO) approach and offer “Total Value of Ownership” (TVO) to our customers.
According to the five core values of our company – integrity and ethics, customer focus, quality and innovation, teamwork, sustainability – we are committed to the highest quality standards and to sustainable business development.
We know that only continuously improvement of our products, processes and organisation will ensure long-term success for all of us. Our pursuit of quality leadership drives us to deliver excellent performance in terms of our work, our technologies, products, services and the quality of the results that our customers get. Innovation fuels our future and is the basis for cost-efficient technological leadership which creates genuine added value for our stakeholders.
We are aware of our responsibility for people, products and the environment.
Our definition of sustainability is the balance between ecological demand, economic success and social responsibility. We meet these targets by:
- identifying and evaluating risks and opportunities for our business and organisation in order to derive targets for the development of our products, processes, working and environmental conditions,
- evaluating, updating and developing our targets and the performance of our management systems continuously,
making our products energy-efficient and environmentally friendly,
offering our customers future-oriented and sustainable technologies,
- improving our products, processes and working conditions continuously,
- providing our employees a safe working environment,
- taking preventive measures to avoid work-related injuries and illnesses,
- minimising risks and eliminating identified hazards,
- gathering feedback from our employees to involve them in the development of our company,
- complying with legal and other requirements and own specifications,
- sharing this policy with our employees and interested parties.
We are innovative, trustworthy and transparent and act according to international quality, environmental, occupational health and safety norms and standards.
As an independent and family-owned company, GBM Group is deeply committed to the principles of sustainable development. Through strong partnerships we have developed a deep understanding of the sustainability issues of our key industries and enable our partners to achieve their sustainability goals and targets.
At GBM Group, sustainability is an integral part of our work. As a family-owned business, we are looking for long-term success and not for the short-term profit. We incorporate sustainability into all of our business decisions and fulfill our responsibility to sustainable development on a global scale.
Our corporate culture sets us apart and is integral to our success, which is why we provide a healthy, open-minded, and inviting workplace that enables our employees to grow professionally.
Our ambition is to be the partner of choice for sustainable intralogistics solutions. We understand the critical role played in society by the industries that we serve, and we’re dedicated to delivering innovative, high-quality products and services that contribute to the sustainable transformation of our partners’ operations.
The United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals are the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. They address the global challenges we face, including those related to poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, peace and justice.
This is why we have committed to focusing our efforts on the clearly defined sustainability issues that we can have the biggest impact on across the environment, society, and corporate governance issues.
Plant& Production
+86 15801987572
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Your Responsor
Mr. Steven Mei
Technical Consulting Manager
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