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Tripper Belt Conveyor
Overhead tripper Belt Conveyor for stocking bulk material equally to each point in warehouse or stockyard outdoor is an economical application. the conveyor hanged or supported by columns in storage, with a movable tripper car to stock the material all over the stockyard equally.
This overhead conveyor is a form of conveyor belt used in grain storage, construction, mining, and other large-scale earth-moving businesses. Depending on the height of the pillars, conveyors are capable of large quantity stockpiles. Some common applications include stockpiling for winter, discharging to bins or ships and linear stockpiling inside storage buildings.
- Large stockpiling volume, you can build large volume, linear stockpiles with limited real estate. It can improve the stacking capacity of limited areas.
- High Automatic Controlling, You can build a linear surge pile over reclaim tunnel conveyor. This can improve the automation capability of the entire conveyor line.
- Available in Open-pit and In-plant, It will help you fill bunkers inside a building. Not only it can be used in open pit, but it can also be used in indoor storage yards.
- Customized Design, It can be engineered to your application and to meet very strict environmental regulations.
- Long Working Life, Long working life, heavy duty truss frame construction, designed around capacity requirements.

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