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Ship Loader
Ship loader are large machines located at ports that are used for loading bulk materials onto ships. Ship loader can be stationary or mobile, e.g. mounted on rail and are designed project specific to suit all individual project requirements. In most cases, a ship loader is combined with conveyors, truck loaders and feeding systems.
We offer a variety different systems for ship loading. These systems must fit in the port infrastructure and match current and future vessel sizes.
GBM Ship Loading Systems
When selecting and designing a shiploader, the quality and properties of the bulk material, local conditions, performance parameters and environmental requirements play a decisive role.
With these aspects in mind, our engineers determine the most effective and cost-efficient handling principle while minimizing operational and maintenance requirements. The loading system must fit in the port infrastructure and match current and future vessel sizes.
Mobile Ship Loader on tyres
Mobile ship loading systems have been developed for the flexible transshipment points.
Feeding of the bulk materials may be continuous (e.g., via belt conveyor system) or discontinuous (e.g. by a mobile truck unloading station or a wheel loader).
Different handling capacities, conveying heights and lengths can be combined with other material feeding systems.
Mobile Ship Loader on Rails
The Rail mounted telescopic shiploaders bring together the flexibility of the telescopic technology along with the ease of mobility of mounting on rails. it's Easily integrated with tripper and hopper conveyor system, and Complete dust suppression/extraction and sealing. The telescopic feature allows greater trimming capabilities along with the parallel travel of the rails;
Stationary Ship Loader
The fixed ship loader has a large transport capacity, simple structure, easy maintenance, low cost and strong versatility. It is widely used for loading various bulk materials with a loose density of 600-2600kgs under normal temperature conditions, using a single machine or multiple machines. A combined transportation system is used to transport materials, which can be horizontal or inclined according to process requirements. The equipment runs smoothly, and there is no relative movement between the material and the conveyor belt, which can avoid damage to the conveyed objects; the noise is small, suitable for occasions where the working environment requires a relatively quiet environment; the structure is simple and easy to maintain; the energy consumption is small and the use cost is low.
Quadrant ship loader
GBM Quadrant ship loaders cover a wide-range of flow rates and vessel sizes.
These equipment are specifically designed to client's requirements and incorporate various solutions according to their specific application and existing site conditions, always with focus on environmental impact minimization.
GBM quadrant shiploaders can be supplied in three different configurations selected depending Clients specific needs: Radial Type (front radial rail and rear pivot), Linear Type (from linear rail and rear revers bogies) or Dual Linear (from linear rail and rear perpendicular and linear rail) and all of them can perform multiple movements: front travelling (radial or linear) with luffing and shuttling booms. In addition, they can be equipped with a variety of different loading chutes such as cascade type, telescopic type or curved type, depending on specific applications, customer special needs and required environmental conditions.
Transport the Bulk Material by ships
Bulk material has to be conveyed in large quantities. Building materials, coal, cereals, fodder, mineral compounds or products of the chemical industry are often loaded at the production location in suitable vehicles and transported as bulk cargo to other locations.
It is particularly important to provide technical loading and handling systems designed specifically for the product and adapted to the installation conditions. When dimensioning these systems, characteristics of the goods like bulk density, product temperature as well as flow properties are to be taken into account. Other important criteria are the loading capacity, weight and volume monitoring and dust-free, environmentally friendly operation.
Ship loader are essential for port handling and the global shipping industry. They must be reliable, cost effective and individually fitted for all specific project needs to provide the biggest advantage and a huge cost reduction. GBM combines a long history, expertise, quality, tradition and provides highest engineering skills. Our ship loaders are the best solution for the highest demands. Our loading systems are able to cover the widest range of applications, always very cost efficient, reliable and with low maintenance needs. GBM can also deliver all additional needed technology for ship loading and port handling like conveyor, truck loader, truck unloader, feeder, ship unloader and more. GBM covers the complete range needed for loading systems with best integration and individually fitted for your specific project needs.
Application in the Mining Industry
Entire port terminals or a single barge loader – we offer the complete range of required equipment for the mining industry. Besides the conveying technology, we can supply the ship loading technology best suited for your task, be that a quadrant-type ship loader, a travelling ship loader with luffing and slewing gear or a barge loader with a telescopic conveyor.
For fast ship turnaround, it is optimal for the ship to not be required to move during the loading process. That means that the ship loader must be able to reach the entire length of the ship. This can be achieved by either using quadrant ship loaders with telescopic conveyors or by putting a ship loader on rails, allowing the ship loader to travel along the ship.
To reach the complete width of the ship, either a telescopic boom or conveyor can be used or a slewing gear can be applied. Depending on the material, also a throw-off belt conveyor can be used. If the vertical movement of the ship (due to the loading process and the tide) is small enough, a vertically fixed boom can be applied; otherwise it is necessary that the boom of the ship loader can be lifted.
Loading Chute
GBM ship loaders are equipped with loading chutes appropriate to the materials being loaded. Chutes are often telescopic and their length is automatically-adjusted depending on the level of material in the ship’s hold. They are specially-designed to prevent any dust emissions even when handling powdery, dusty materials.
Operator's Cabin
The ship loader can be operated either from the cabin or using a remote-control unit directly from the side of the ship’s hold. Both arrangements offer excellent views of the ship loading area. The cabin is mounted on an arm at the same level as the loading boom and it slews along with the loading boom. It is fully-insulated and equipped with a heating fan and an air-conditioning unit to provide the operator with a comfortable workplace, even in extreme weather conditions, during bulk carrier ship loading operations.
Ship Loading Conveyor
The ship loading conveyor can be screw, aeroslide or belt type; all are totally enclosed to prevent any dust creation or spillage. When a belt-type conveyor is used, we can offer a telescopic ship loading conveyor.
Electrical System
The electrical system is installed in an insulated electrical housing equipped with a heating fan and an air-conditioning unit. It is made up of elements such as low-voltage switchboards with a motor control center, contactors, a programmable logic control-system and a human machine interface. All are designed to offer smooth, responsive and intuitive control over ship loading operations.
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