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Residential Service
The Residential Service offers the optimum in technical support. Our engineers will take residence onsite and will take full responsibility for maintenance and/or operation of your material handling system. Whether it is an advisory service, subject matter expertise or a large team settled permanently on site, together with you, we will find the right model to support your business.
With our engineers taking responsibility for your material handling system it allows you to concentrate on your core business. We offer 24/7 support, 365 days a year, tailor-made to your needs.
We conduct inspections, maintenance, and repairs on all our systems and machines worldwide. As a manufacturer of complex turnkey installations and machines, we enjoy years of experience and profound expertise. The main tasks include recommendations on the maintenance activities, creation of maintenance documentation, preparation, execution and recording of scheduled and unplanned maintenance work, as well as ensuring the operational safety.
Advanced Maintenance Services:
- We provide advanced inspection guidelines with restoration and production output recommendations.
- Hotline and online support are offered for remote diagnostics to prevent unscheduled downtime.
- Maintenance services include preventive or condition-based measures, complex repair activities, functional testing, and analysis of reusability.
- In-house repairs are performed with short lead times due to their own manufacturing capacities, logistics, and dispatch service.
- Construction practices and technology are constantly upgraded to the highest standards.
- Individual support models ranging from one-time inspections to permanent on-site field service.
In order to secure a stable operation for our customers and the lowest product life cycle cost, all tasks regarding preventive maintenance are planned and performed by us. Preventive maintenance includes regular service activities on material handling equipment such as inspections, safety checks and replacement of worn parts. The preventive maintenance is planned according to the needs and constraints of the individual customer operation to ensure that there is little or no impact on operational delivery. During operational hours, our staff are ready to perform any necessary corrective maintenance at any time, including rectification of mechanical, electrical and system related equipment failure.
With attention focussed on customers’ material handling system and operational flow, GBM Group will operate, monitor and control the entire material handling system. The control system will be monitored by our highly qualified staff, during all operating hours. Our control and monitoring staff are continuously in contact with the technicians on duty, which ensures a very short reaction time if errors occur. As a contingency, we believe that fall back plans, system recovery exercises and troubleshooting exercises are essential for the customer’s successful operation. Various fault scenarios will be described and action plans made for each individual scenario. In case the scenario happens in real operation, all our staff know exactly what to do, where to be, and who needs to execute which operation or activity. With the philosophy – keep your system young – GBM Group works according to the Six Sigma continuous improvement principle and all our Residential Service Managers are trained Six Sigma certified. Thorough analysis of KPI´s and other parameters are performed on a regular basis, in relation to equipment, software, communication, staff and training.
Facility and Spare parts Management
Spare parts will be managed by our on-site maintenance team. To reduce cost and enable efficient supply-chain management, stock levels are continuously monitored and adapted to the operating requirements of the system.
To allow our customers to focus on their core business, we maximise the benefits of having our team on site by handling and managing your facilities for you. Our GBM Group team becomes your single point of contact for your material handling and professional facility management.
To give our customers all the benefits from experiences from other GBM Group sites worldwide, all our Residential Service Managers are part of a knowledge sharing programme. They meet bi-annually with colleagues from more than 70 Residential Service sites worldwide and we share and re-use experiences, so best practice procedures are in place at all times.
+86 15801987572
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Your Responsor
Mr. Steven Mei
Technical Consulting Manager
© 2023, GBM CHINA
What we are doing today is right for your prosperous future!
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