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Containerized Bulk Handling
Containerised Bulk Handling means loading the bulk material into containers, transported by containers ship or railway, with the turnover device, the bulk material unloaded at the destination. it comes in different forms – but the essence is the commodity never sees the light of day until it is unloaded at its destination. Sealing the containers shut avoids dust-generating from the commodity during the transportation, which could impact residents’ health.
When the sealed containers arrive, they are stacked at the port to wait for the shipping vessel to arrive. Stacking the containers on top of each other means the terminal does not have to allocate as much space to hold the bulk commodity, as containers are stacked on top of each other, and the commodity is filled to the top of the containers. This is a much more efficient method of holding bulk commodities at the port side than open stockpiles and avoids the need to build purpose-built facilities, which are far more expensive than sealed containers. It also helps improve the sustainability of ports as the commodity does not escape into the water or produce dust plumes which is often the case with open stockpiles. Moreover, with the commodity sealed shut the product quality is protected, which is particularly useful when handing grains to avoid contaminates. This is also particularly useful when a terminal wants to hold multiple types of bulk – they avoid the risk of cross contamination. Further to this, the commodity is securely locked, so the risk of theft of valuable commodities is reduced.
Traditional Bulk Handling
In traditional bulk handling operations, a terminal receives raw materials by truck or train. They are then stockpiled and stored at special storage facilities or directly at the quayside, waiting to be loaded into a shipping vessel’s hatch often through grabs or conveyor systems.
Throughout the handling process, there are numerous drop off points which often leads to the bulk being lost, its quality being degraded, and pollution to local environments. A domino effect will then occur, for example, the dust pollution from open stockpiles or open-top containers will lead to respiratory diseases for the local population. Or the loss and degraded commodity will lead to profits not being as high as they could have been.
Containerized Bulk Handling
GBM handling equipment for containers loading/unloading
GBM provide the bulk loading system for containers filling, and the turnover equipment for the unloading the containers when it arrive at destination.
Individual Machines and Complete Systems
We offer solutions for all kinds of goods, whether loose or packaged, for various modes of transportation including trucks, trains as well as ships and boats.
Truck Loader
The processes of loading trucks and railway wagons are similar: they are often filled with materials from bunkers or silos. While bunkers of various sizes are used to store bulk materials only for a short time, large silos serve to store these materials over longer periods.
Railway Loader
Besides transport using goods vehicles, rail is another major factor to consider when transporting bulk goods by land. We offer a range of solutions with telescoping loading systems to load rail wagons.
Bulk containerized
With the economical solution, bulk material transported by containers is an innovation handling method, just with the turnover device to handle the containers for loading/unloading, it much lower the cost of tranport, as well use the containers mostly.
Bag Loading machine
Using unique advanced technologies, the GBM Series automated bagging machines are designed to quickly fill pre-made open-mouth bags with 25 to 100 kg of any type of free-flowing or powdery products. They can handle bulk products like animal feed, sugar, rice, starch, fertilizers, seeds, and plastic pellets.
Bulk transporter vehicles can be loaded quickly and free of dust with the GBM bulk loading head. It is designed according to the double-wall system, i.e. the material inlet and the dedusting unit are separated from each other.
Bulk Loading Heads
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