Modernisations is a dedicated business area within GBM Group, ensuring that your system is enhanced with the latest technologies and products and upgraded to meet your current and future needs. Consequently, your business has the leading edge at all times.
Whether you require modernisation of equipment supplied by us or a third-party, we will support you. Our team of highly-skilled engineers and project managers can recommend, specify and implement upgrades and enhancements. Updated systems enable continuous support of software and hardware and lead to a prolonged system lifetime.
Home>Customer Support>Modernization
Upgrades and Enhancements
- Hardware & Software upgrades
- New add-on solutions
- Process improvements & new functions
- System performance reviewing
- System engineering
- Project execution
+86 15801987572
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+86 21 50880140
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Your Responsor
Mr. Steven Mei
Technical Consulting Manager
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